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What the Internet Means to Me

Matthew Monaghan

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The Thought Process

Starting out, I had no idea what to do for this project. But as time went on I started to reflect on how much the internet had impacted me and the people around me. The internet had opened so many doors for me and brought me to places I had never even imagined before. So then I started thinking, I wonder how many people feel the same way I do. So I'm creating this website for people to see what the internet has done for me and give them a chance to talk with me and tell me what it means to them. In the bottom right of your screen you will find a chat bubble. Type directly into that and share your story! Or for a more personal approach feel free to contact me!

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The Beginning

Starting out, the internet was just another means to keep me busy. I would spend hours on end watching Youtube videos or playing literally anything from It was a much simpler time. But as time moved forward and I started to grow up more I started to use the internet for more things. I was able to use it for communication. It opened a whole new world to me. You see, growing up, I had a flip phone. I never actually received a smart phone until freshman year of High School. So being able to actually type something to my friends and have them respond just amazed me.

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Present Day

I now use the internet in a variety of different ways. I still play videogames a lot so that part never left. And I do still use it for communication, but I am no longer as awestruck as I was in the past. I also use it to find opportunities for myself. As a theatre major, working on stage is a big part of my life. With the help of the internet, I can find different auditions or chances to help direct and so much more! Having the ability to search up something I don't know or find something that I need for a school project with a click of a button is something a lot of people take for granted. While I do think I could survive without the internet, I am so very thankful that I am able to use it.

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Final Points

The internet has opened the doors to so many things in all of our lives. Whether it be through entertainment, education, or communication, its impact has had a big effect on us.

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"One of the Internet's strengths is its ability to help consumers find the right needle in a digital haystack of data."

Jared Sandberg

Modern Laptop
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Story #1

Submitted by Thomas Monaghan

The Internet to me is a place where I can lose track of time and take a break from the real world and the problems that come with it. Whether it be gaming or just vibing out listening to music and podcasts, the internet has helped me not only to relax but also find new friends who support me.

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Story #2

Submitted by Logan Boyd

It means a lot of entertainment and a lot less boredom in my life. It's a way to get answers without having to go to the library and in the comfort of your own home.

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Story #3

Submitted by Jacen Boyd

It means a way of accessing the world in a way.

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Story #4

Submitted by Ruth Diaz

The internet means so much to me. It has helped me go through such a tough time in my life. I have met so many great people due to the internet and I will forever be grateful for that. The internet is such a great place. It helps me connect with others and just overall makes me have less boredom in my life. I have made some really great memories due to the internet.

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Story #5

Submitted by Rex

The internet means a lot for me. Fair enough there are cons to the internet with what certain things can lead to and what can be shared but when looking at the pros, my experience of the internet has been rather positive as a whole. I have met some awesome people and made great friends. Also, it helps me with all sorts from getting help with my homework to just passing time. It's something essential in my life. :p

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Story #6

Submitted by Jade

The internet has given me new friends and new knowledge and helps me pass my free time.

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Story #7

Submitted Anonymously

The internet has made education possible during these difficult times. It has helped us communicate with our loved ones across far distances in order to keep us together.

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Story #8

Submitted Anonymously

What the internet means to me is spreading new ideas, creativity, and imagination to those who browse through it. The internet is a reliable source, it keeps us up to date to what is going on around the world whether it’s nearby or oceans away. We rely on the internet to seek to answers to questions we may have.

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Story #9

Submitted by Kaile

What the internet means to me is a diverse platform. The internet has a worldwide variety of entertainment, information, and groups of lovely friends like the ones I've met in Discord. The internet has grown over the years. It allows you to have everything on the tip of your fingers. That's what the internet means to me.

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Story #10

Submitted Anonymously 

The internet has helped me in many ways, it helps me with school, when I’m lost, when I’m sad or feeling alone, and I’ve met a ton of amazing people over the internet as well. Without it I don’t think I’d be the same person that I am today. It’s a way for me to escape from the world and a way to have something to take my mind off of the bad things that happen in my life.

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Story #11

Submitted Anonymously

I’ve made a lot of cool memories with online friends, but at the same time it can be a toxic environment

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